
FAQ Rodents

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Welcome to our rodent FAQ section, where we answer the most frequently asked questions about these fascinating little animals. Whether you're an experienced breeder and keeper or you're buying a new pet, we hope this compilation will help you with your questions.

Our specialised staff will answer all your questions competently!
Because your hobby is our profession!
Zoo Roco - your partner for rodents and rabbits since 1988.

In the classification system, rabbits are not rodents, but hares. It is therefore technically incorrect to refer to rabbits as rodents.

Incidentally, rabbits are not hares either, although we often say dwarf hare in colloquial language. Hares are nest fledglings (the young are born with fur and open eyes), rabbits are nest hoppers (they are born naked and their eyes only open after about 10 days). Rabbits also have much larger ears and stronger hind legs.

The following rodents are kept as pets:
Dwarf hamsters, golden hamsters, teddy hamsters, coloured mice, gerbils, coloured rats, degus, chinchillas and guinea pigs.

(Rabbits are classified as lagomorphs, which is why they are not mentioned above).

Exotic small mammals include sugar gliders (pictured), chipmunks and tree squirrels, tenrecs, white-bellied hedgehogs, dwarf dormice and the steppe lemming.

Please note that many of the exotic small mammals require a licence and may not be kept just like that.

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