Salt and mineral stones are not used for tooth abrasion, but are sources of important minerals. It is recommended that rodent stones enriched with kibble or parsley are not used. Recent studies prove that the number of small rodents with urinary and kidney stones is increasing, caused by an excessive intake of minerals that the body does not need and consequently stores.

Salt and mineral stones should be available to the animals so that they can utilise them as required. In the wild, animals would meet their mineral requirements by licking stones or eating mineral-rich soil. By adding kibble or other supplements, the animal could be tempted to consume more of these stones than its natural needs and thus no longer pay attention to the actual needs of its body.

The provision of mineral and salt stones should be seen as a kind of safety net to ensure that animals have access to these essential substances if they are needed. A species-appropriate and balanced diet usually covers the daily requirement of these minerals.