Choosing the best fish food depends on several factors, including the type of fish you keep, their nutritional needs, their size and their individual preferences. However, there are some general guidelines that can help you choose high-quality fish food: 
Variety in diet: Ideally, you should provide your fish with a varied diet consisting of different types of fish food, such as flake food, pellets, freeze-dried food, frozen food, live food (if suitable) and vegetables. 
High quality ingredients: Look for fish food that is made from high quality ingredients and provides a balanced diet. Read the ingredients on the packaging and choose food that is rich in protein, vitamins and minerals. 
Specific needs of the fish: Consider the specific nutritional needs of your fish. For example, some fish species require protein-rich food, while others prefer plant-based food. Make sure that the food you choose meets the needs of your fish.

Live and frozen fish food: Live and frozen foods such as Artemia, mosquito larvae and krill are often an excellent addition to your fish's diet as they provide natural nutrition and can encourage hunting instincts. 
Choose fish food from reputable brands that are known for their quality and reliability. We stock well-known brands such as JBL, Tetra, Sera, Oase, Dennerle and Tropical. 
Food size: Make sure that the size of the food is suitable for your fish. Some fish prefer smaller pieces of food, while others eat and digest larger chunks without any problems. 
Ultimately, the best fish food is the one that best meets the nutritional needs of your fish and is of high quality. Experiment with different types of food and observe how your fish react to them to find the ideal food for your aquarium.