What is terraristics?

Terraristics refers to the keeping and care of reptiles, amphibians, invertebrates and sometimes other vertebrates in terrariums. It is a form of pet keeping that focuses on animals that live in natural habitats such as deserts, rainforests, swamps or other specific environments. 
Terraristics encompasses a wide variety of animals, including snakes, lizards, turtles, frogs, spiders, scorpions and other invertebrates. Keepers of terrarium animals endeavour to adapt the conditions in the terrarium as closely as possible to the animals' natural habitats by adjusting the temperature, humidity, lighting and other environmental factors. 
Terrarium keeping is a fascinating hobby, but like all animal keeping, it requires specialised knowledge. The keeper of terrarium animals must take responsibility for ensuring that the needs of the animals kept are met and that they can live in animal-friendly conditions.