NTV, Discover the migratory birds

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NTV, Entdecke die Zugvögel

Thomas Schmidt
  • 48 Seiten
  • durchgehend Farbfotos
  • Grossformat: 20,7 x 28 cm, Hardcover


Im Winter sind Schwalbe, Storch & Co. plötzlich verschwunden. Wohin sind sie geflogen, und aus welchem Grund bleiben sie nicht einfach hier?

„Entdecke die Zugvögel“ bietet viele spannende, kindgerecht aufbereitete Informationen über den Vogelzug. Wie ist er entstanden? Wie wird er erforscht? Wie läuft er im Einzelnen ab, und wie orientieren sich die Zugvögel? Welchen Gefahren sind sie ausgesetzt? Wo und wann können Kinder Zugvögel gut beobachten?

Antworten auf alle ihre Fragen finden wissensdurstige junge Naturforscher in diesem unterhaltsam geschrieben Buch!

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Animal silhouettes
Animal silhouettesThe high-quality, very precise animal silhouettes made of solid quality steel conjure up a smile on everyone's face. Also a wonderful gift for any animal and garden lover - or as a wall decoration at home. Simply attach the animal silhouettes with two screws (included) to a post, wooden doors, windows, privacy screens or balconies. The possibilities are many.The products are delivered unrusted. Over time, the animals acquire a beautiful patina of rust. The animals have a very long life and are produced in Switzerland.Dimensions: 235 × 314 mmHow do I let the products rust best and get a beautiful patina (Edelrost)? Rust is iron oxide which forms on the surface of iron and steel when it comes into contact with water and oxygen. The iron oxide is a yellowish to reddish-brown substance. It is called precious rust when the rust is desired and evenly covers the object. Standard products are delivered without a rust patina. The steel still has a slightly greasy protective layer, which prevents rusting a little.At the slowest: Once you have fixed your subject in the desired place (outside) the metal will lose its protective layer after some time and begin to rust. How long this goes depends on how exposed it is to the elements. Your product will thus very slowly acquire a beautiful patina. Patience is required here.Would you like to speed it up a bit? Degrease the metal! This will allow oxygen and water to get to the metal better. The best way to degrease the metal is with acetone or brake cleaner. These means work best and are at the same time cheapest likewise isopropyl alcohol and spirit can be used. If you do not want to use all these means, take detergent and warm water. Pay attention in any case to the correct protective clothing as well as correct handling of the cleaning products.It should still go a little faster? Take a spray bottle and fill it with water and salt. Spray the metal a few times and leave the object in the rain if possible. Always let the object dry before spraying it again with the water/salt solution. Alternating between wet and dry will speed up the rusting process. To make it go even faster, you can also use acetic acid or hydrochloric acid for spraying. The better the object is degreased and the more evenly you spray everything, the more even the rust patina will be..


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NTV, amphibians at the garden pond
NTV, amphibians at the garden pond André de Saint-Paul, Ingo Brand & Wolfgang Schmidt 104 pages 96 photos Format: 16,8 x 21,8 With references to"Chemistry in the garden pond""Safety at the garden pond""Design" Content: You will not only get a beautifuland interesting small biotope to theown property, but can also be usedmake an important contribution to nature conservation! Everything you need to know in order for amphibians to settle in your pond The amphibian-friendly garden pond Large species part with splendid pictures With "amphibian calendar" for the garden pond Press commentaries: Following a taste of the time more and more garden pond friends lay themselves ponds, many of them become so-called natural ponds. Surely, only the fewest investors consider thereby, what they can cause. For these a book appeared, which can answer each question, which they could ask, exhaustively, if it refers to the topic: Amphibien at the garden pond . Who knows them all, toads, toads, frogs and newts? All animal species that before man had settled in the places of today's ponds had long been resident and indigenous and had been suppressed for the time being. What to do when they return suddenly and inconspicuously? Many gardeners are aware of the fact that this can happen in well-designed gardens and have been described in some articles (...). So what should we do to get to know these new citizens of the garden better and, if possible, to help them even more? Very simple: Buy and read the book discussed here!Rarely has a book summarized so much worth knowing about this topic so succinctly and comprehensibly.Some garden friends, who are not quite firm with the determination, will use the many clear photos beside the text, in order to determine its pond inhabitants correctly. The text leaves also no wish open, there are chapters about the animal species themselves and such, which have apparently secondary meaning, but for a longer existence of pond and animal are extremely important: "Nature as a model", "Legal regulations", "Settlement of amphibians", "Water supply", "Pond technology" and "Safety at the garden pond" are just a few examples. Everything is presented very clearly and comprehensibly for zoological laymen and is also exciting to read.Conclusion: A 5-star book!Walther Rohdich in The Aquarium 08/2002Recommended(...)Altogether (...) a recommendable book for garden owners who are interested in amphibians, as well as for all amphibian friends and those who want to become one.Petra Kölle in DATZ 9/2002(...)(This book) is intended to serve those who want to create a garden pond in their garden that is as close to nature as possible.The book first of all examines the question of whether the garden pond can be a Noah's ark for amphibians and what position amphibians occupy in the biotope garden pond. The next chapter gives a brief overview of amphibians: evolution, systematics, way of life, catching prey, breathing, voice, reproduction, from egg to lurch, migrations and enemies and diseases. This gives everyone the basic knowledge they need to better understand amphibians. (...)In the following kind descriptions all amphibian-types native with us are introduced except for two (...) in text and picture. Thereby, distribution, way of life and reproduction are discussed in detail. The garden ponds for amphibians are taken into account afterwards, whereby also the remaining garden is included in the discussion. The question "Fish and amphibians in a body of water - is that possible?", which is important for many people, is answered as well as questions about legal regulations, settlement in one's own garden and the construction and maintenance of a garden pond. (...)The last part of the book is about safety at the garden pond, care tips and an "amphibian calendar", which gives an overview of important events in the course of the year of the native species. At the end there is a glossary, a bibliography and an index.The book can be considered as quite successful and gives also the interested layman the possibility of making itself fast familiar with the topic. (...) Altogether a recommendable reading for "newcomers" or advanced readers who are interested in this topic.Peter Janzen, DGHT-AG Anuren, in elaphe 3/2002A feel-good garden for frogsA beautiful garden pond is not just a piece of quality of life. It can also make a contribution to nature and species conservation, according to André de Saint-Paul, Ingo Brand and Wolfgang Schmidt in the book "Amphibien am Gartenteich", published by Natur und Tier - Verlag. Location, pond type, water supply, planting and technology - nothing is left out. In addition the Artenteil equipped like the entire book with excellent color photos presents all domestic tail and frog through species with detailed information and refers also to their special needs.Review in Dresdner newest News of 30.05.2002(...)The book shows the right way. More and more garden owners want to create a piece of nature with frogs, toads and newts.One is also reasonably informed about the work involved in setting up and maintaining such a watercourse. The care of the small water is also important, and here the author gives many care tips.Also the amphibian calendar is valuable, which clearly tells each owner of a garden pond what is happening at which time of the year in his water and when he can find which kind of amphibian there.Get a beautiful and interesting small biotope on your own property. Well informed you can make an important contribution to nature conservation!


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