Lucky Reptile Fruit Mix for fruit eating reptiles

Product number: SC-LR67421


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Product information "Lucky Reptile Fruit Mix for fruit eating reptiles"

Compound Feed for all fruit eating reptiles like day geckos and crested geckos as well as tropical tortoisess

  • fruits
  • for all fruit eating reptiles
  • 100% natural
  • 35g

A lot of reptiles e.g. day geckos, skinks and tropical tortoises are occassionally adding fruits to their diet. For all these species Lucky Reptile Fruit Mix offers a perfect food with freeze dried fruits and bee pollen. It can be fed wet or dry and is 100% natural. A treat your animals will love.

Feeding Recommendations:
Fruit mix can be fed dry or mixed with water. Add a tea spoon of warm water on 1 tea spoon of Fruit Mix and let it swell up. Stir the food and serve it to the animals. Remove uneaten food immediately. For dry feeding simply place into feeding dish and pay attention on availability of sufficient amounts of drinking water. Fruit Mix should not be offered more than 1-2 times a week due to the high content of fruits. Day Geckos and Crested Geckos can be fed with Fruit Mix every 1-2 days. Ensure a varying diet through combination with other Lucky Reptile foods and by offering complementary feeds like Carnivit or Lucky Reptile Sepia.

Feeding recommendation
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